
A truly transparent & author-friendly self publishing platform.


Our Happy Authors 😊

The team effort put into the work is excellent, right from the choice of colour designs to font size & style every detailing is delightful, looking forward to doing many more projects with you once again big THANKS!! to the whole team cheerio to you all with a bright smile. 😊 😊
Rahul V.
Surroundings & Insights
विज़्डम वर्ड्स ने अपने प्रारम्भिक प्रकाशन क्रम में मेरी चिंतन प्रधान पुस्तक को सम्मिलित किया है।प्रकाश्य कृति का सम्पादन और रूप-सज्जा से इस प्रकाशक की मौलिक प्रतिभा से मैं प्रभावित हुई हूं। मुझ जैसे उदीयमान लेखकों के लिए यह बड़ा संबल है।
Savita Lakhotia
Sawal Samay Ke Jawab Zimmedari Ke
Wisdom Words are new publishers, and their dynamic approach to guide writers, make them better than the old and the established.Currently they are publishing my two books. So far they have been most commendable.
Prof. Prem Mohan Lakhotia
Ishavasyopanishad-Hindi Mein Geetantaran
Overwhelmed by the response. Loving the books. Well printed and the size,quality and weight all looks good. It has been a great experience.
Tasneem Sayani
Train Your Mind
Glad to choose the Wisdom Words publishing. My publishing journey with such a professional and supportive team is indeed a pleasant experience.Thank you for such a delightful book.
Abhimanyu Anant Kamthan
Yaatra - Udaan Jari Hai

Reasons to choose us

Transparency icon
We share with you a well-defined timeline for the entire publication workflow. Every milestone achieved will be communicated to you.
Reliability icon
We ensure to adhere to the promises made in terms of quality, support, rights and royalty.
Quality Assurance icon
Quality Assurance
Our team of professionals provides you with the delightful publication of books.
Seamless Process icon
Seamless Process
Your journey from pre-publishing to post publishing is entirely hassle-free.
Time Commitment icon
Time Commitment
Get your book published, prior to the committed schedule.
Cost-Effective icon
Avail the supreme publishing and book promotion services at the lowest price.

Well defined publishing process

Pre-Publishing icon
Before publishing a book, we immensely realize the importance of a thorough understanding of manuscript and building rapport with our writers.
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Publishing icon
Our dedicated and professional team will transform your content into a professional book passionately.
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Post-Publishing icon
Your journey doesn't terminate with publishing a book. Our post-publishing process is to ensure the promotion and distribution of your book with utter satisfaction.
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about wisdom words publishing
Publishing is a difficult task, but Wisdom Words publishing has been initiated with a vision to take off the load from the authors and writers that have long been engaged in time-intensive tasks like thinking about the content presentation, marketing strategies, and reaching out to the right and relevant audience of their content.

Wisdom Word Publishing is one stop for all your publishing needs, be it a pre-publishing or post-publishing. We have got you all covered like editing, cover designing, page-setting, ISBN, copyright, marketing, distribution and so on. Wisdom Words Publishing being one of the growing publishing houses holds experienced, young and dedicated professionals who always reciprocate their authors with the Value for Money, Reliability, Transparency, Quality Assurance, Seamless Communication and Time Commitment.

we offer cheap and affordable plans for every kind of self publishing needs. we offer publishing of every popular fiction genre i.e. Action and adventure, Alternate history, Anthology, Chick lit, Children's, Classic, Comic book, Coming-of-age, Crime, Drama, Fairytale, Fantasy, Graphic novel, Historical fiction, Horror, Mystery, Paranormal romance, Picture book, Poetry, Political thriller, Romance, Satire, Science fiction, Short story, Suspense, Thriller, Western, Young adult and none fiction genre i.e Art/architecture, Autobiography, Biography, Business/economics, Crafts/hobbies, Cookbook, Diary, Dictionary, Encyclopedia, Guide, Health/fitness, History, Home and garden, Humor, Journal, Math, Memoir, Philosophy, Prayer, Religion, spirituality, and new age, Textbook, True crime, Review, Science, Self help, Sports and leisure, Travel, True crime.

Are you a writer or do you have an idea to write a book? But, lacks the necessary understanding to get ahead in the process. Here we are! A writer from any part of the world can connect the industry experts and gather detailed guidance about writing, publishing and marketing aspects. In this digital era, video meetings help to erase geographical barriers while also increasing trust and understanding. Hey, don't hesitate and simply choose a convenient time slot and we will be there.