Kiran Kumar Singh
Novelist, biographer and short story writer.
24th February 1945, Agra.
Retired from the teaching profession. Now full time author.
Received his school education in St Anthony School, Agra, St Columba's School, New Delhi and St Peter's School, Agra. Pursued college and higher education at the Balwant Rajput College Agra, Indian Intitute of Technology, Kharagpur and the University of Missouri USA. Conducted research and teaching at the University of Roorkee/ IIT Rookee. He retired from IIT Roorkee as a Professor after forty years. Today he is settled with his younger son in Noida. He is a life member of the Indian a Association For Science Fiction Studies, Bangalore and has made some science fiction presentations for their conferences. He has written two science fiction novels for children and adults, one biograpghy of an Indian educationist and a collection of true, inspiring short stories about individuals and institutions. On the 23rd of February he was given the 'Lifetime Achievement Award for 2023' by the ICI, Uttarakhand Center at Roorkee. He is planning to publish a collection of short stories covering romance, humor, suspense and science fiction. His third scifi novel is on the verge of completion. He also spends much of his time reading.